Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

Shop List

Diposting oleh Unknown di 23.53
Wew....already May... Let's make a wish...tehehehehehe
Bulan ini bikin list belanjaan make up, ah... Saya mulai tertarik untuk belajar make up ala ullzang yang sedang booming akhir-akhir ini. Banyak sekali beauty blogger bermunculan yang menyuguhkan beraneka ragam tutorial make up ala ullzang ini. Luar biasa hasil make up mereka, hasil flawless kayak anime trus juga kaya boneka. It's so cute!

So, i decided for trying their make up as soon as i brought some make up tools.. But, sadly it's not easy like i thought ... I need more beauty tools for complete my way for learn ullzang make up.. Should buy it!

Here we go.. i need more

1. They called circle lense

why need it? cause circle lense can make your eyes more bigger than usual. Magic, right??

2. Perhaps, need BB cream or something else like foundation and loose powder if you want it.

Of course i need it.. Ini buat bikin kulit muka kita itu jadi terlihat flawless kaya boneka porselen gitu sih.

3. Emm..Let's puting eyeliner for the important part.

why? ya..pasti almost of you sudah pada tau kalo kunci make up para ulzzang itu ada dibagian mata, isn't it?

4. And then don't forget for mascara and fake eye lashes...

it'll make your eyes more bigger and cetar membahana..

5. Don't forget the eyebrow pencil too..

it seems important part to for making your eyebrow goes straight, they said itu bakal bikin kamu terlihat lebih muda.

6. And so, of course it'll need eyeshadow, blush on but remember try for using natural color like brown, dark brown or whatever you pick for eyeshadow coloring. And try pink color for blush on.

7.What else?? maybe.... WIG? and put some accesoris on it.. 

That's of all what i need .... bakalan bolong nih dompet .. but, should have to try! <3

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